Thursday, October 13, 2011

How To Shape Your Shots

          Have you ever wanted to hit that dog leg right par 5 in two, yet you chose to lay up because you couldn't hit that fade? What about the dog leg left that would be so much shorter if you were to only be able to hit a draw? Well there's a few very easy steps you can take to shape your shot without having to work on the mechanics of your golf swing. 
                                                                                                     Me teeing off in a golf tournament

          We'll start off with Fade, but first I'll tell you what all of this golf terminology means for you beginners who don't fully understand the nerd speak of golf. A fade is where after impact the ball starts left of your target and "fades" back to the right towards your target. A slice however, is where the balls starts right of your target after impact and "slices" even further right of your target. A draw is where the ball starts right of the target and "Draws" back to the left towards your target. A hook is where the ball starts lefts of the target and "hooks" even farther left. Okay now that were done with Basic Golf Grammar 101, we can get to work.

          For those wanting to hit the fade, there's a couple basic things you need to know about how the golf ball fades. To perform a fade, a couple of things must happen.

  • The ball must start left of the target
  • The ball must have left to right spin
          This is surprisingly very simple to do. Both of these things occur when you have a swing path that comes outside in while maintaining a square club face. To do this, Simply align your Feet to the left of your target the amount you want to fade the ball while keeping everything else aligned towards your target. (Your club face, Shoulders head, etc.)  
For ex. if you want to hit a 5 yard fade, aim your feet 5 yards left of the target, if you want to hit a 15 yard fade, aim your feet 5 yards Left.
And that's it, it's that simple, just pull your left foot back a little bit and you've got a fade!

          The same concept goes for the draw, except you pull your right foot back while keeping everything else square towards the target. This causes an inside out swing path forming a right to left spin on the ball resulting in a Draw.

         Hope this helped you control your shots! if you have any questions or comments you can leave them below or  send me an email!

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