A lot of people say think they can't hit the ball far because of their physical size, they think they're too small and simply "unable" to hit the ball a long ways. Well I'm here to prove you wrong. By no means am I a "big" person, i am very thin, and rarely work out but I can consistently drive the ball over 310 yards because of a few things.
The number one way your going to increase your distance is to increase your lag. Most people when they try to hit the ball harder, they swing very hard with their arms, and not enough with their body, and when this happens they lose lag and can actually hit it a shorter distance than normal. It makes sense that you would use your bigger muscles if you want more power would it not? So when your making your golf swing, you want to swing with your hips. This is what I mean by this. When your at the top of your golf swing, you most likely start the downswing with your hands, INSTEAD, before you even start moving your hands down rotate your hips and let the club follow behind, you can look at any Professional Golfer and i can promise, they ALL make this move.
A couple things that improve your power
- GOOD BALL STRIKING - you need to be able to consistently hit down on the ball making pure contact in the center of the club face.
- GOOD TEMPO - Don't accelerate too fast on the backswing, but just remember "1,2,3"
So remember, Good Lag increases power, so next time your out at the range try making that conscious decision at the top of your swing to rotate your hips (Aggressively) and let the club head lag behind
Here's a video of my swing, and as you can see when i reach the top of my backswing, my hips rotate first and the clubhead drops into position lagging behind
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