Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to Hit "Down" on the Ball for Better Ball Striking

     To hit a consistent shot in golf, you need to have good ball striking. Everybody knows consistency is the Most important component of a golf swing because you need to be able to hit one good shot after another.

     The biggest mistake people make in having bad ball striking is that they shift their weight to the right side of their body but then they don't shift their weight back to the left side so they end up either muffing the ball or topping the ball which is the worst feeling in the world!

To hit "down" on the ball what you need to do, is to
     a. Stop the Sway in your Golf Swing
     b. Create a Divot Starting at the Middle of the Ball
     c. Have the Correct Thought Process

Stopping the Sway in your Golf Swing
    This is actually the conventional way to swing a golf club, but it can be very inconsistent, the best way to improve your ball striking is to make more of a "Stack and Tilt" swing. What this means is that instead of starting out with 50% of your weight on your left leg and 50% on your right then on your back swing putting 75% on your right, i tell you to Start with 60% of your weight on your left leg and keep it that way throughout your swing. Never transfer the weight to your right side. In doing this you will increase your ball striking and consistency of your shot.

Create a Divot Starting at the Middle of the Ball
     This is an easy way to track whether your hitting the ball correctly. Simply place a tee a few inches in front of your ball before you take a swing and after you hit the ball check the ground and if your divot starts from where the tee is, you most likely hit it good, if your divot is behind the tee then you most likely muffed it.

Have the Correct Thought Process
     When practicing your ball striking, you should have only one swing thought in your head, "SWING DOWN ON THE BALL" when this is the only thing your thinking of, your brain will surprise you and actually do what your telling it to do, if you think your going to hit a solid ball, you have a much better chance than if you think your just going to hit another shank

     So do these three steps and you should start hitting more down on the ball resulting in better ball striking!! If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment or you can send me an email, hope this helped!!